Sign the Replication Agreement

All partner organizations sponsoring local Program sites enter into a Replication Agreement with the Parent-Child Home Program’s National Center to implement the model with fidelity.  The agreement specifies that the local partner, as a member of the nationwide network of replication sites, will replicate the model in their…

Hire and Train Site Coordinator

Site Coordinators, most often certified early childhood teachers or social workers, are the employees of the local partner agency.  They are trained by the National Center and oversee all aspects of the local replication site, including hiring/training/supervising community-based Early Learning Specialists; recruiting/selecting families; maintaining demographic, programmatic, and assessment…


Early Learning Specialists (ELSs) are hired by the replication site from the community being served to conduct twice-weekly home visits with the families.  They should speak the native languages of the families being served; share a community and/or cultural background; enjoy playing and reading with young children; relate…

Plan the Program Year

Local site start-up generally coincides with the start of the school year; however, a site can start serving families at any time after the staff has been trained.  Sites can start with simultaneous or rolling registration.  All families must receive a minimum of 23 weeks of visits in…

Select Curricular Materials

The Site Coordinator selects the books and educational toys that are the curricular materials for the home visits based upon the PCHP model criteria for curricular materials.  Within these criteria there is flexibility for site staff to select those items that best suit the language and cultural needs…

Create a Community Network

The local site staff is responsible for working with local community agencies to create a referral network to support families.  The Site Coordinator will also work with these agencies to recruit eligible families to the Parent-Child Home Program.  These agencies include: health clinics; food pantries; WIC programs; schools/school…

Recruit Families

a The Parent-Child Home Program is designed to reach families whose children are at risk of educational disadvantage because the family: Is low-income; and Has had limited access to educational opportunities; Faces literacy, cultural, language barriers that make connecting with the educational system a challenge; Is a teen…

Collect Family Information

To assist replication sites in evaluating both their effectiveness with families and the long-term impact of the Program, each local PCHP site is required to enter their site data in the Program’s Management Information System (MIS).  The system stores and reports information for each site, generating aggregate site…

2013 Parent Literacy Champion: Alrick Robinson

United Way's Education Story

Giving Library: Discover Parent-Child Home Program

Parent-Child Home Program on the 2013 American Graduate Day Broadcast