Working with families to build a better future.

Who We Work With
ParentChild+ families come from many countries and speak over 50 languages. They live in urban, rural, and suburban communities. They share a common commitment to their children’s educational success and are proud to expand their role as their children’s first and most important teacher.
By the Numbers
90% have
multiple children
+80% have annual incomes
under $25,000
60% have a home language
other than English
Our Models
As simple as they are effective.
One-on-One Model
Early learning specialists (ELSs), who share a community connection with families, meet one-on-one with parents and their 16-48 month-olds twice a week. ELSs support parents in preparing their children for academic success, strengthening families and communities through intensive, consistent long-term home visiting.
Learn MoreHome-Based Child Care Model
Our innovative Home-Based Child Care Provider Model works with a diverse array of caregivers from Family, Friend and Neighbor to group Family Child Care. It builds on the success of our One-on-One model, extending supports to all the key adults caring for children before they enter school. Our early learning specialists work with providers, supporting them and the families they care for in building school readiness skills. This model is uniquely effective because it takes place in the caregiver’s home, during the day, while the children are present.
Learn MoreFind a ParentChild+ Near You
The ParentChild+ replication model enables an international network of program sites – school districts, social service agencies, community-based organizations – to offer our proven programs. Click below to find your nearest location or learn how to bring ParentChild+ to your community.
Volunteer with ParentChild+
Looking for a volunteer opportunity? If you’re passionate about what we do, please contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
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