Our One-on-One Model
Our One-on-One Model is as simple as it is effective.
Early learning specialists, from the community who share a language and cultural background with the family, work with parents and home-based child caregivers to ensure their children’s school readiness by supporting healthy development and building social-emotional, cognitive, and early literacy skills through reading, conversation, and play. Together, they share 92 half-hour, twice-weekly visits.
Over the course of the program, families share a love of learning and experience success that will last a lifetime and will change their lives.
Here's how our
One-on-One Model works.

We Visit Families Where They Live.
Our in-home approach makes it convenient for underserved families isolated by poverty, language and literacy barriers, and lack of transportation to participate in high quality early childhood education.
Over the course of two cycles, families receive 92 home visits and acquire a library of:
- 46 high quality books and educational toys
- 46 curricular guide sheets with tips on vocabulary-building, engaging conversation, skill development, social-emotional development, imaginative play, and literacy, music, and art activities.
We Hire Local.
Each family is matched with a community-based early learning specialist who shares their language and cultural background. Our early learning specialists know the neighborhoods they are working in, both the strengths of the community and the challenges it faces. They connect families to resources, networks, and help them navigate their child’s next educational step.
We support parents in preparing their children for school success, highlighting their role as their children’s first and most important teachers.
ParentChild+ works with families to put their children on the path to school and life success, to dream for their children’s futures, and to recognize and honor their role in their child’s educational accomplishments, and as their children’s ongoing academic advocate.
Our early learning specialists build meaningful relationships with families and support parents in realizing their role as their children’s ongoing academic advocates.
We prioritize strengthening families.
Through the close bond they develop with families, early learning specialists and the local ParentChild+ team become trusted advisors. Through these strong trust relationships, early learning specialists are able to connect families to a wide-range of community resources and programming including food, housing, health care, and educational services.
As families graduate from ParentChild+, our staff works to ensure that the program children are enrolled in high-quality preschool programs, the critical next educational step.
25% of our early learning specialists are former program parents.
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Success Stories
Do our models really work? The proof is in the stories told by our students, parents, and teachers. Read some of our favorite success stories below to see tangible evidence of our proven programs.