Archive for Press Releases

Remembering Dr. Sanford & Phyllis Bolton

MINEOLA, NY, September 21, 2022 – Dr. Sanford Bolton was a widely respected expert in the field of biopharmaceutical statistics, co-founding the Hygrosol Pharmaceutical Corporation, as well as serving on the faculty of the University of Rhode Island and St. John’s University.  His wife, Phyllis, was a distinguished…

GreenLight Fund Charlotte Announces $1M Investment in Children and Families

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Carrie Cook 980-292-1749 GreenLight Fund Charlotte Announces $1M Investment in Children and Families Helping Move Charlotte from Its 50th of 50 Ranking Nationally in Economic Mobility Charlotte, NC – May 29, 2019 – After a comprehensive selection process in collaboration with local community…