Fall Children's Books
It’s Fall! The perfect time to share picture books about the changing leaves and the cooler weather. Here are some books about fall that can be found in your local library.

This autumn-themed book takes the traditional rhyme to new heights of silliness. It all starts when the old lady swallows some leaves. Then one thing leads to another, and she gulps down a shirt, a pumpkin, a pole, some pants, and some hay. Put together, what could all these items make? Children will be so excited to guess what is coming next!

It’s a young bear’s first autumn, and the falling leaves surprise him. He tries to put them back on the trees, but it doesn’t work. Eventually, he gets sleepy and burrows into the fallen leaves for a long nap. When he wakes up, it is spring and there are suddenly brand-new leaves all around, welcoming him.

In this brightly colored celebration of fall, two brothers enjoy everybody’s favorite autumn activities: chasing leaves through the air, stomping on them, raking them into piles, and jumping in! In addition, the last page is full of easy-to-understand information on how leaves grow and change throughout the year.

An autumn spin on a classic nursery rhyme. A little pumpkin is trying to find his way back home and with a little help from a friendly witch, he is soon home, safe and sound.

In this book, one little pumpkin seed tries to be scary but he doesn’t scare anyone, not even the snowflakes in the winter! The wind tells him to be patient but it is hard waiting.

On a windy fall day, Peppa and her family decide to have some outdoor fun and go to the park together. They plays lots of great games – ones that you can play with your family, too!

Giant pumpkins are decorated in some of America’s favorite places like the Brooklyn Bridge and Grand Canyon! This is a great celebration of famous landmarks and landscapes, and a great introduction to them for your children.