PCHP Board Member Hillary Frommer Visits Chile Site
PCHP Board Member Hillary Frommer recently had the opportunity to visit the Fundacion Ninos Primeros PCHP site in Santiago, Chile. She had the pleasure of meeting Amelia, one of the site’s first graduates, and her mother Victoria. Hillary was honored to be welcomed into Victoria and Amelia’s home, and was delighted to watch Amelia play with the first toy she received from PCHP – which remains her favorite – and read from the very first book she received on her first home visit. Amelia was a bit shy at first, but as she began to play and read with Anita, the director of their PCHP site, she opened up, happy to be engaged with the materials and sharing how smart and ready for school she is. Victoria told Hillary how grateful she is for the opportunity to participate in the Program.
“I felt so very fortunate to witness firsthand the amazing work that PCHP is doing in Chile” – Hillary
We are so proud of the wonderful work being done in Chile, and so thrilled that Hillary was able to experience the power of PCHP internationally!