Rockland 21C East Ramapo Parent-Child Home Program Graduation Story

The Rockland 21C East Ramapo Parent-Child Home Program site (PCHP), held a wonderful graduation and end of year ceremony on Wednesday, June 7, 2017, celebrating another successful Program year. As families arrived for the celebration, they were greeted by music and a room decorated in festive blue and white tablecloths and balloons. Craft paper was stretched across cafeteria tables and crayons were available for the children to draw, just as they do often during their home visits. The children were wearing dress shirts and ties and beautiful floral dresses, thrilled to be part of the celebration. Graduates donned their graduation caps with excitement, as their parents looked on with pride.
The PCHP families who recently finished their first Program cycle were invited to the podium by their Early Learning Specialist, Miriam Lachenauer, and recognized for their participation. The children and parents were beaming as they received a new book, wrapped and topped with a bow. They all posed for a group picture, smiling from ear to ear, and appreciating the applause from the audience.
Next, each of our PCHP graduates were invited to the podium with their families to receive their Certificate of Recognition, new backpack full of school supplies & art materials, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Family and friends were snapping pictures as each graduate posed with pride. The room was bubbling over with a sense of accomplishment and high hopes for the future. PCHP staff and families expressed their joy for the opportunity to work together and the tools both parents and children acquire from this wonderful program!
After the ceremony concluded, there was a delicious dinner buffet. Parents chatted warmly with one another, commenting on the growth they have seen in their children. They noted specific increases in their children’s vocabulary, their ability to take turns and share, as well as their ability to fully engage with a book or toy. The parents also talked about the skills and tools they have acquired from PCHP, such as the importance of reading and playing with your child, being patient, and letting your child be creative and explore. The parents agreed that the Parent-Child Home Program helped them prepare their child for school and life success!
As the evening came to an end and goodbyes were said, everyone left knowing that PCHP had made a difference in their lives and the lives of their children.