Press Release, 7/20/18 Eva and Harry Wilson To Be Honored At Parent-Child Home Program Annual Gala For Their Commitment To Eliminating the Achievement Gap!

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, July 2018 – Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP) will honor Eva and Harry Wilson, of MAEVA Social Capital, at their annual gala. This year’s event will take place on Friday, November 2 at Cipriani 25 Broadway in New York City.
Each year, PCHP selects honorees who share the Program’s vision, that all children, regardless of their socio-economic status, deserve the opportunity to succeed in school and in life. “We are so pleased to honor Eva and Harry Wilson for their powerful commitment to the big and audacious goal of eliminating the achievement gap for low-income children,” says Sarah Walzer, PCHP CEO. “Their thoughtful examination of the current barriers to success for vulnerable children and families, and their determination to break down those barriers by building up effective programming, makes them true leaders in the field and our champions.”
Underserved children are behind their peers before they even step into the classroom—and too many of them never catch up. PCHP gives young children a chance to succeed before they fall behind. The Program offers a unique solution to helping low income families break out of the cycle of poverty by giving parents with children ages two to four the tools to build learning-rich home environments and instill a love of learning during the most critical early years. PCHP levels the playing field, giving the most vulnerable children a fair shot to succeed.
With over 50 years of proven outcomes, PCHP has documented important longitudinal impacts for program participants – Graduates enter school performing 10 months above their chronological age, score 2 ½ times higher on social-emotional skills, and have a 30% higher high school graduation rate than their peers. Parent-Child Home Program is their springboard to success, a chance at a better life.
Education and expanding opportunity have always been passions for Eva and Harry. After spending a tremendous amount of time learning about the lasting impact the Program has on under-resourced families, MAEVA Social Capital is supporting the expansion of PCHP into Syracuse, New York, and surrounding Onondaga County. Eva and Harry remarked, “In our philanthropic work, we focus on working with and investing in nonprofits with demonstrated success in closing the achievement gap, and helping those nonprofits expand and grow. PCHP is one of the best and most effective nonprofits we have found, and it is an incredible honor to be working with the great team at PCHP to help them help more and more kids.”
The Wilsons join a list of prior PCHP champions including HarperCollins Publishers, Misty Copeland, the GreenLight Fund, Deloitte, and William O’Brien of Direct Edge. Like Eva and Harry, each of the Program’s honorees have shown tremendous support for the work being done in each of the 14 states and four countries where PCHP is active.
Media Contact:
Courtney Inman, PCHP Development & Events Director
Phone: 516.883.7481 Email:
About Parent-Child Home Program
Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP) uses education to break the cycle of poverty for under-resourced parents and their young children. Through an international network of program sites, PCHP works one-on-one with parents to ensure their children achieve their greatest potential in school and in life. Highly trained Early Learning Specialists engage families by modeling reading, conversation, and play activities designed to support vulnerable children and their parents. Through twice weekly home visits over two years, PCHP provides families the skills, materials, and support to help parents engage and teach their children. Since 1965, PCHP has been assisting underserved communities in replicating and expanding this proven program, setting children on the road to school and life success and strengthening families and communities. For more information please go to