Philadelphia PCHP Mom Shares Her Remarks on PCHP

Ameesha Jackson is a PCHP mother in Philadelphia. She recently made these remarks at a Smith Memorial Playground & Playhouse fundraiser.
Hello, my name is Ameesha and I am the mother of Amari who is currently enrolled in this Program. When I was first asked to speak here tonight I didn’t know what I was going to say. So I said just tell the truth, but I was super nervous but okay.
When me and Amari started this Program we didn’t know what to expect, but I am forever grateful that we signed up.
In the beginning, Amari was a challenging kid for them to work with. He was shy, he would barely speak to them and when he did he would whisper all his answers. He would sit very close to me and wouldn’t let them come no where close to him. He didn’t want to play or read the stories with them. He always waited for them to leave to have me do it. Thank goodness they left sheets behind with ideas for me to use.
But now Amari has built the best relationship with them. When his worker pulls up to the house he is like the little Duracell Bunny he just keep going and going screaming her name. He loves reading the stories and playing the learning games with her. But when she leaves, he would ask me to read the stories and play the games a 100 times. He learned so much from the learning books and toys. His shapes. Colors. Counting. And can even master small puzzles without me.
Me putting him in this program is one of the best things I could have done for him as his mother. My little 3-year-old is ready to face his little obstacles in his little learning journey. With that being said from me and Amari we would like to say thank you!