Success Stories

Alex and his son Kevin enrolled in ParentChild+ because Alex wanted to ensure his son started learning at a young age. Alex is from a small village in Guatemala. His parents who never learned to read or write, encouraged him and his siblings to get an education, and now, he says, he will take any opportunity that is offered to his family to learn.
Because of ParentChild+, Alex learned why it is important to spend time reading and playing with his son. He enjoyed the home visits and working with the Early Learning Specialist to understand how Kevin learns and how to help his son focus while playing or reading a story. “She brought a lot of new ideas of activities,” Alex explained, “He enjoyed puzzles and memory games. We practiced cutting, gluing, and coloring, and we read a variety of books.” Kevin now loves to read, and his favorite book is Leo the Late Bloomer. When he’s not reading, Alex says, Kevin loves pretending to be a doctor. After the Early Learning Specialist brought a doctor’s kit, Kevin had all his family members be patients.
While Kevin is at school, Alex takes English for Speakers of Other Languages classes (ESOL). In their free time, Alex and Kevin enjoy playing in the park and reading at their local library. ParentChild+ helped shape both Alex and Kevin, supporting their love of learning and next educational steps. “Now he is going to preschool at Head Start. He loves going to school,” says Alex, “He plays well with other children and is able follow the routine.”