Success Stories
Deka and Fardausa

Deka Adbi’s daughter Fardausa is all smiles – she is a star in school and her mother is a star Early Learning Specialist!
Deka Adbi was a new mom when she began ParentChild+ in September of 2008 with her first child, Fardausa. At that time, Deka had only been in the country for only a few years. An immigrant from Somalia, she had lived in a refugee camp in Kenya for a while before coming to the United States. She had begun nursing school, however never completed it. After her daughter graduated from the Program in 2010, Deka started working for ParentChild+ and changed her focus from nursing to early childhood education. Somalia had ingrained ideas about early childhood education, and Deka’s on a mission to change these views and to show parents that they are a child’s first teachers. She is now in her fourth year of being an Early Learning Specialists and has five client families that consist of a mixture of those that speak English and those who do not.
Deka’s daughter, Fardausa is currently in third great and doing great. She’s exactly like her mother – very dedicated to her studies. Fardausa loves to read and reads well above her grade level! Deka currently also has a little boy who’s three years old. Fardausa can’t stop reading to her little brother now.